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Conflict can occur in any employment relationship and is best dealt with in its infancy.  Leaving such situations to escalate can have a number of implications including grievance, disciplinary or potential employment tribunals claims.

Based on CIPD survey data, it is estimated that the cost of employment conflict to UK organisations is £28.5 billion per year – the equivalent of more than £1,000 per employee.  Impacts also include damage to morale and team relationships, increased sickness including workplace stress, time off work, resignations, dismissals and even damage to reputation.

What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary process to resolve conflict, led by an impartial third party i.e. trained mediator. Often described as a form of informal or ‘alternative’ dispute resolution a mediator facilitates by encouraging individuals to reach mutually acceptable solutions, in a safe and confidential space.

It can avoid more formal and costlier routes by guiding participants towards repairing and maintaining professional relationships.  All parties must be willing participants in any workplace mediation process.  If an agreement is reached during the process, a binding agreement can be entered into by all participating parties as proof of their agreement and of their commitment to adhere to the terms.

When can mediation help?

There are many ways workplace mediation can help including:

  • Communication issues at work
  • Personality clashes and/or professional breakdown in a work relationship
  • Perceived issues around harassment, bullying or discrimination
  • An alternative to, or as a result of, formal grievance or disciplinary procedures

How Eclipse HR can assist with workplace mediation

Our expert mediator, Peter Thompson, can assist. Peter has an extensive and established background as a Mediator, assisting on a range of matters including conducting workplace and employment mediation and also promoting mediation as an alternative to traditional methods, as a way to achieve dispute resolution.

With a remarkable career in employment and commercial law, Peter’s pragmatic and down-to-earth approach has smoothed the way in the facilitation of many effective workplace mediations.

How can we help?

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